The Friends of MHS Robotics Booster Club is a group of family, friends, and fans committed to supporting the Montclair High School robotics team. An important part of this effort is fundraising to supplement the budget provided by the school district. Boosters write grant proposals, help students find sponsors, sell t-shirts, negotiate in-kind donations, and more. In addition, boosters collaborate with the school advisors to organize transportation to events and provide general guidance, as requested by the students.
The Montclair High School Robotics Team would not be able to run without the support of our parents and booster club. Without their support and passion, our team would not exist. Their endless enthusiasm for STEM and the team is amazing.
All donations to the Friends of MHS Robotics are fully tax-deductible as we are a subordinate member in good-standing of Parent Booster USA, Inc. through December 31, 2023 and as a result recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.