Want to support Montclair Robotics? Use AmazonSmile the next time you shop online! AmazonSmile is a service hosted by Amazon that will donate 0.5% of the money you spend on shopping to a charity/organization of your choice. This service is available on the web and on mobile, and by signing up and connecting our registered non-profit booster club organization “Friends of Montclair High School Robotics”, you will be directly benefitting Montclair Robotics!
Ready to start signing up? Here’s how:
Link to official instructions for AmazonSmile set-up
Web Browser
Sign into Amazon on the web by going to smile.amazon.com, searching “Friends of Montclair High School Robotics Inc.”, and setting it as your charity!
After that, shop on Amazon as normal, and the next time you shop, go to smile.amazon.com.
If you shop on the mobile app, set it up on the web browser; go to the three lines, and click the drop-down for “programs and features”. Then, click AmazonSmile and follow the instructions to set it up on mobile. Please encourage your friends and family to sign up too!