Open Alliance: Swerve Offseason Project

Newsletter 1: 2023 FRC Competition Season!
February 4, 2023
Newsletter 2: Competitions Are Coming Up!
February 27, 2023

This 2022 offseason we made a mk4i swerve drivetrain to prepare for the 2023 season. This drivetrain served to give us the opportunity to use swerve in 2023 (we plan to, a post about kickoff coming soon!) and served as generally good training. In the fall we were able to fully setup and make our drive train. Additionally, we trained a group of swerve drivers using this drivebase and our 2022 robot to practice offensive/defensive strategy.

What went badly:

  • we didn’t grease the gearboxes enough so they screamed (no physical damage)
  • Also we have issues identifying the “front” (still not resolved, just brute force fixed so that teleop would work)

What went well:

  • We got a working swerve drive!
  • We now have a group of trained swerve drivers
  • We had a lot of fun racing it up the hallway (see video)


Read the latest about our robot on chiefdelphi!

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